Take a look around you right now. Chances are that most of what you can see or feel has been engineered, that there was an engineering process involved or an engineer was inspirational in its design or manufacture.
Engineering is an exciting and rewarding profession – engineers enable societies to progress and advance through their approach to problem solving and make valued contributions to economic, social and technical aspects within our community.
In Tasmania, our engineers stand with strength and are loud and proud of the achievements that we have made to Tasmania. Australian Engineering Week will promote Tasmania’s Past, Present and Future engineering success stories. The program is designed to showcase engineering achievements, invigorate your thinking on the linkages between engineering and the community and spark the interest in a few young budding engineers. How will engineering change the look and feel of Tasmania over the next 20 years?
Please join us in celebrating the role that engineering plays in our everyday lives during the 2014 Australian Engineering Week.
To see what is happening in Tasmania during Australian Engineering Week, click here.