Alan Burn Memorial Lecture Series- Burnie

How engineering can create wealth, a better world for children and perhaps even help all of us find a bit more happiness!
Wealth is created and held on to by creating goods, services and ideas that are of value to society.  This is not about wealth for wealth sake.  Wealth is about providing choices, it is about enabling acceptable standards of living, it’s about health, its about education, and it’s about families.  Oh yes, and it’s about happiness.
What wealth is not about is waiting for someone to give you a hand out.  It’s about looking after yourself and others through education, hard work and taking responsibility – what a great descriptor of a professional engineer!
But we can do better.  As professional engineers we have a responsibility to society but we also have a responsibility to ensure that our value to society, to creating a better world is understood.  But what to do?
Well, a case study perhaps.  For over 140 years Tasmanian farmers in the midlands have longed for reliable irrigation water.  Now it’s built.  Now there are new enterprises – new jobs, families with  anew future with perhaps a bit more happiness.
And why?
Because some pretty cleaver engineering design and delivery has taken place.  Smart people doing smart things, but more smart people are needed and this will not always occur unless we as professional engineers, albeit in a modest way. Explain to the upcoming generation of the important role they can play in making the world perhaps a happier place.


The lecture will be presented by Greg Stanford FIEAust, GM Technical and Deputy CEO TasIrrigation. Tasmanian Irrigation was the winner of the Project Infrastructure category in the Tasmania Engineering Excellence Awards 2014.