Alan Burn Memorial Lecture: Liquefaction- Solid Ground Becoming Like Liquid?

The Alan Burn Memorial Lecture aims to promote engineering and science to the Tasmanian public, and recognise the contributions of an eminent Tasmanian engineer; Professor Alan Burn.
This years’ lecture will be delivered by Professor Andrew Chan, Head of School, School of Engineering and ICT, University of Tasmania.
Presentation Synopsis: Everyone remembers the extensive damage in Christchurch during the earthquakes in February 2011. The phenomenon that causes this damage is liquefaction. During this year’s lecture, Professor Chan will explain the cause of liquefaction and demonstrate the damage it causes with video footage and photographs. He will also discuss how engineering modelling can be used to understand the relationship between soil and its pore fluid to help predict liquefaction damage, and to improve the design of structures to make them safer. By the end of this lecture, you will understand how liquefaction affects your local area and beaches.
Who should attend? This is a free public lecture. Anyone with an interest in engineering and/or liquefaction should attend.
This event is supported by Engineers Australia