Presented by Dr Nick Seymour – Curtin University/International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research
Radio astronomy allows us to explore the Universe at wavelengths beyond what the human eye can see, allowing us to find black holes, study the earliest galaxies and to test the General Relativity. Radio astronomy is currently undergoing a renaissance with a host of new facilities currently coming online. These radio telescopes are paving the way for the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) due to come online in the 2020’s. The SKA will be vastly more sensitive than current facilities; its name comes from the total collecting area. I shall discuss the two Australian Pathfinders, currently operating in WA, and my work with them.
Dr Nick Seymour is a Senior Lecturer in astrophysics at Curtin University in Perth where he has been since 2014. He is interested in how galaxies form and evolve, and how the black hole in the centre influences these processes. He obtained his PhD in 2002 from the University of Southampton in the UK and subsequently took postdoc positions in Paris, Los Angeles and London. In 2011 he moved to Sydney to work for CSIRO with an Australian Research Council Future Fellowship.
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