CSIRO Science Ship has Students Sailing into Future Careers

Thirty university students and trainers from across Australia will get the training experience of a lifetime when they take to the seas for a circumnavigation of Tasmania aboard CSIRO research vessel (RV) Investigator.

The 10-day voyage is part of an innovative tertiary sea training program called CAPSTAN, the Collaborative Australian Postgraduate Sea-Training Alliance Network, which is being delivered in partnership with Australia’s national science agency, marine science industries, universities and government.

The CAPSTAN program addresses a gap in how marine science education is delivered in Australia and will expose marine science students from 16 Australian universities to life and work onboard CSIRO’s advanced ocean research vessel.

It offers a national approach to applied teaching and learning excellence in marine science and wider science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) disciplines.

CAPSTAN Director, Dr Pier van der Merwe from the University of Tasmania’s Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS), said the sea-going experience was invaluable for developing Australia’s next generation of marine experts.

To read the full article and watch a video, click the link below: CSIRO science ship has students sailing into future careers | University of Tasmania