Promote your National Science Week Event

Please submit your event’s details for promotions and publication in the Tasmanian Science Week printed program by filling out the form below by 1 June 2024

Add your public event or resource to the National Science Week printed program 2024

Thank you for being involved in National Science Week in Tasmania!

Public events must be registered through this page to be included in the Tasmanian Science Week printed program. Please register by 1 June.

PLEASE NOTE: you will also need to register your event on the National Science Week website to be included in the online searchable database and the Science Week phone app - we recommend completing both this form and the online registration at concurrently to make sure your event goes in both the printed program for Tasmania, as well as the National Science Week website and App. If you added an event in previous years, simply log in using the account you created.

If you are holding an event for school students and/or the school community at large (not the general public), please ensure you submit to the National Science Week website only and do not fill out this form.

  • Contact details (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY)

    The first three fields won't be published. They are for administrative purposes only in case we need to get in touch.
  • Please give us the direct contact number of the person organising the event.
  • Event or resource details (PUBLIC INFORMATION)

    This is where you put the details of the event or resource which will be published and distributed across Tasmania.
  • This will appear at the top of your listing. Give it a short, snappy name that will help it stand out!
  • Will appear in the program booklet as written below (maximum 300 characters - approx 50 words) - The best event descriptions are brief, enticing, and in plain English. What are the key things that people need to know? What will spark their interest? Please note: entries may be edited prior to publishing.
  • DD slash MM slash YYYY
    Put the date of your event, or the start date here. If it's a resource, put the date you plan on making it available online. If you have multiple dates and locations, please put additional information at the end of this form.
  • DD slash MM slash YYYY
    Please use this field only if your event goes for multiple days.
  • :
    Please put the time your event begins here. If no start time (e.g. a video that will go up online) just put 00:00.
  • :
    Please put the end time of the event if known.
  • Please tell us where people can find your event/resource. Venue: If you do plan on having an in-person even, please put your venue name here or relevant link.
  • Only applies to those with physical venue.
  • This item will be listed in the program - it can be a business/organisation name if appropriate. The listing also requires a minimum of one contact method for event enquiries - please see below.
  • To be published with your listing.
  • To be published with your listing.
  • Please include a website where people can find more information. It can be the event page on Facebook or EventBrite etc. If it is a long address, please use a service such as or tiny url to make a small, custom URL.
  • Event fees and booking

    Let people know if they should RSVP or buy a ticket.
    Please let us know if bookings are essential, appreciated (nice to have but not necessary), or not required.
  • Maximum 100 characters - must include relevant contact name/email/website. Please write Not Applicable (N/A) if you do not require RSVPs or bookings.
  • Eg. $3 children/concession and $5 adults; gold coin donation; $15 flat fee.
  • Reminder

    BEFORE YOU PROCEED: you must also register your event by 1 June on the National Science Week website - - in order for your event to appear on the searchable database and the Science Week phone app.
  • Quick guide key

    We use icons in the program to help people choose what event or resource is appropriate for them. Please select all that apply to your event. If you're unsure what to choose, please get in touch.
  • Event image (optional)

    Please supply an appropriate, clear, high quality (>2MB) photo which can be published in the program. The image must not have any words or logos on it and should represent your event as best as possible. Please ensure that you have permission to use this photo. (No Googled images)
  • Accepted file types: jpg, Max. file size: 5 MB.
    Please submit a plain image with no text or logos - choose one image that will represent your event well. You must have permission to use this image so please ensure it belongs to your organisation or has been approved for use by the photographer. It may also be an image which is under a creative commons license. Not all photos will be published due to limited space availability but we will endeavour to use them all.
  • Please let us know if you have additional info or instructions. You can also email if you have any questions.