2024 Inspiring Tasmania Community STEM Grants Application Guidelines

The Inspiring Tasmania Connections Program aims to increase awareness, participation and positive association with STEM in groups historically under-represented in STEM* through community engagement.

Inspiring Tasmania Community STEM Grants are available to support building capacity, programs, initiatives, and activities that raise the profile and provide engagement with the sciences in Tasmania.
Grants are available for organisations or community groups from $2,500 to $7,500 for STEM Engagement activities and initiatives in Tasmania.


The Inspiring Tasmania program contributes to a vision for an Australian society engaged in and enriched by science. Through direct community engagement, building influential networks and targeted application of resources, the Targeted Science Communication grant program aims to increase awareness, participation and positive association with STEM in groups historically under-represented in STEM* and supports capacity building in the Tasmanian STEM ecosystem.


To be eligible to apply for a grant, you can be:

  • a community group, association, or organisation
  • a business, industry body or local government organisation
  • state government department or agency with a community focus (e.g. libraries)

Eligible costs

Eligible costs will include:

  • Venue hire and event costs
  • Marketing or advertising, including printing and collateral
  • Transport/accommodation associated with the project
  • Show bags and give aways
  • Equipment (excluding large capital purchases)
  • Staff costs.  This includes staff costs for activity or program development or delivery.  Staff costs will be capped at 20% of total grant amount.  Staff costs must be identified in detail in the budget including hourly rates and number of hours per task/activity. 

Ineligible Costs include:

  • Business As Usual costs
  • Large capital purchases
  • Staff costs for administering the grant or writing the grant or grant reporting
  • Projects or events that take place during of 3-25th August 2024 (National Science Week)

In-Kind costs

In-kind costs refer to contributions made to a project that are not in the form of cash but rather goods, services, or assets. Be sure to list all in-kind contributions. This may include:

  • Staffing costs
  • Venue hire
  • Equipment use
  • Speaker fees

Eligible Programs/Initiatives/Activities 

Funded programs, initiative and activities may include, but are not limited to, applications for the following types of STEM engagement:

  • STEM clubs or groups 
  • hands-on science workshops or field activities  
  • science fairs, expos, shows or exhibitions  
  • science through the arts activities  
  • interactive online events, podcasts, videos, or virtual tours    
  • presentations, demonstrations, lectures, or webinar 
  • citizen science activities   
  • build organisational capacity in STEM, for example through professional development 
  • school initiatives open to the wider community that are not for the exclusive or primary  benefit of a school or its enrolled students. 

Assessment Criteria  

Eligible events/activities will meet one or more of the following criteria:  

  • Demonstrate engagement with groups historically underrepresented in STEM* to increase awareness, participation and positive association with STEM
  • Build capacity in the Tasmanian STEM ecosystem
  • Activity or event must fall outside the dates of 3-25th August 2024 (National Science Week)

As part of the application process, the following information will also be required:  where the event/activity will be held if it is an in-person activity, how the event/activity will be planned and promoted, which audience(s) will be targeted, any longer-term benefits that might be achieved, and details of any collaboration with local organisations/businesses/community groups to deliver the event/activity, where applicable.  

All in-person activities and events must meet Tasmanian public health guidelines and are required to be delivered in a COVID-19 safe way. All activities must also comply with the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations.

Assessment process 

Grant application round will open on .

The Managers of Inspiring Australia (Tasmania) will assess all applications against the eligibility criteria and determine eligibility.  Eligible applicants will be assessed by a Grants Subcommittee of the Inspiring Australia – Tasmania Reference Group.  The assessors will identify any potential or actual conflicts of interest before applications are assessed – these issues will be managed accordingly.  The Grants Subcommittee will assess the applications against the selection criteria and rank projects accordingly.  Based on the project ranking, the Grants Subcommittee will determine which projects are offered partial or full funding. 

Selection will be based on the written information provided by the applicant. In some instances, the assessors may request further information before making its final decision.

The assessors will consider:

  • Whether the activity is consistent with the program objectives and assessment criteria.
  • Capacity to engage Tasmanian audiences in one or more aspects of the sciences.
  • Capacity to engage with groups historically under-represented in STEM*.
  • Demonstration of innovative, engaging or proven effective methods of science communication.
  • Submitted budget included with the application.

Grant Applications 

Requirements for Grant Application  

  • Each grant application must comprise a fully completed grant application form. 
  • Each grant application must meet one or more of the assessment criteria to be considered. 
  • An evaluation report will be required after the completion of the activity/event. The evaluation will include details of the activity/event, itemised expenditure of funds, audience numbers and reach, and the success of the event in meeting the nominated assessment criteria. 
  • Grant applicants must be able to provide a valid tax invoice (ABN required) to receive funds. 
  • Grant applicants must be able to acknowledge this grant funding by including the Inspiring Australia logo on all promotional materials.

Applicants can apply for multiple Inspiring Tasmania Connections Communication STEM Grants.

How to apply

  • Read the guidelines carefully. 
  • If you have any questions, please contact inspiring.tasmania@utas.edu.au 
  • Fill in the application form available here
  • Submit the application form along with a detailed budget. 

Helpful Resources

Want help writing a competitive grant application? Check out this webinar and this blog. You can find other resources to help you designing and promoting events here.


* Groups historically underrepresented in STEM are defined under the National School Reform Agreement and Advancing Women in STEM strategy to include but not limited to: 

  • First Nations peoples
  • people living with disabilities
  • women and girls
  • people facing age-based discrimination
  • culturally and linguistically diverse people
  • people with low socioeconomic status
  • LGBTQIA+ people
  • neurodivergent people
  • people living in regional and remote areas.

*** Special conditions apply for the payment of grant funds to University of Tasmania staff. An ABN is not required and arrangements for the disbursement of funds will be made on acceptance of a grant offer.